How Do You Organize the Distribution of Family Gifts?

Some people like to give holiday gifts: it’s an art for them, something to master, a fun way to spend a day or two. Others are wary of annual gifts, wanting family members to just say what they really want instead of relying on loved ones chatting back and forth between holiday socks or scented lotion.

I fall somewhere in the middle. Some people I have known for months what I want to give them, others I try my best to find something on Christmas Eve. This is why I think it would be so much easier if family and friends just said what they wanted or gave a couple of suggestions as the holiday season approached.

Usually my family members just buy what we think other members will like, although I sent my parents a wish list for books on Amazon last year and it was a big success.

Another idea that I love is to create a Google Doc with my family. It’s simpler and clearer than forwarding and backwarding emails, and can be edited at any time.

If you’re walking the old school, here’s an article from the New York Times on how to make the “perfect” gift:

  • Don’t focus on a “big” opening or an extravagant gift : the gift recipient is more focused on the gift’s usefulness than on the experience.
  • Don’t “over-individualize” gifts : Sure, it’s nice to think that you know everyone on your list so well that you can find each person an amazing gift, but “The more gifts you choose, the more likely you will choose.” some useless stuff. If you manage to find something reliable, don’t be afraid to give it more than once, ”writes The Times .
  • Go and register : Seriously, why not?
  • Give them what they want : in my opinion, this is the biggest one. If they asked for something, give it to them! They will love it. If all else fails, everyone loves gift cards and cash (one exception, as the Times points out: your spouse).

And here’s one from me: Attach a receipt: don’t make it awkward. Attach a gift slip to your gift and everyone will win.

But with these rules in mind, the Google Doc makes a lot of sense. It’s collaborative work that’s easy to share and everyone can see at a glance what others want.

So, with all this in mind, how do you and your family organize the gift giving? Do you have a google doc or is it every man for himself?


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