Turn Your Runs Into a Fun Augmented Reality Game With Run an Empire

Running has always been one of those things for which I needed some kind of motivation. Going for a Saturday run for my health? I’ll pass. Go for a Saturday run so I can crush all my friends in the FitBit challenge? We’re talking now.

This week I discovered a new game that already pushed me to take longer than usual walks in my area: Run An Empire .

It’s kind of a combination of Pokemon Go and Sim City. You play the game while taking a real walk or running around the neighborhood. As you travel the area, you can conquer it on behalf of your empire. The more you move, the more money you will need to build this empire.

Unlike other running games, which happen when you actually try to launch, this one instead allows you to save your entire gameplay when you get home.

I’m still new to this (it launched on the 2nd), but it has been pretty fun so far and has been great motivation (literally) to go the extra mile.


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