Learn the Basics of Pet First Aid With This Red Cross App

When I first got a dog, I called the veterinary clinic a lot. I didn’t grow up with a dog, and like any new mom, I had a million “Is this okay?” questions. My furry ball also loves street food, and by street food I mean food that other people have given up on the street.

Now he is 15, but our early days were … difficult. Now the Red Cross has released an app that will make life a little easier for other new pet parents. The app called Pet First Aid offers tips on what is normal behavior for your pet and what to do in situations when your pet is having problems. For example, if they have an allergic reaction to something, have had a car accident, or need CPR.

Obviously, if your dog is drowning, you are not going to run the app to figure out what to do, but the app can work as a kind of guide that you can read ahead of time to learn how to deal with such situations should they arise. … Everyone should know about first aid to a pet. As with humans, having someone on hand who can administer CPR to a pet can literally be a lifesaver.

And for questions that the app cannot help you with, it can help you find the nearest veterinary hospital. You can also use the app to find a pet-friendly hotel.

Having an app on your phone is not a substitute for a real vet, just as WebMD is not a substitute for a doctor, but reading some information can give you a good idea of ​​how to take care of your pet. this can be invaluable when an emergency does occur.


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