Add Flavor to a Shrimp Smoothie With Wasabi Paste

Depending on when you started taking care of food, you might think the shrimp cocktail has passed, but it seems to be undergoing a (perhaps ironic) renaissance. (Although in my opinion the shrimp cocktail never went away, we strayed.) This is a simple dish that requires two things. First, shrimp must be purchased fresh, thoroughly cooked and thoroughly chilled. Then there’s the sauce.

There are two types of cocktail sauce, British and American, and I’ll be talking about the sweet, spicy, American version with horseradish. While I have nothing against the mayonnaise-flavored British prawn cocktail (and the prawn chips, which are perfect in every way), my heart really belongs to its zesty American cousin. If I have one criticism of the American app, it doesn’t make my eyes water.

Whether it’s made from green horseradish or not, nothing clears up your sinuses like a large ball of wasabi. Combining traditional cooked horseradish with a few tablespoons of pasta gives my cocktail sauce a slightly different flavor profile as well as dizziness inducing properties. (I love this brand , which contains “real wasabi” and a few other ingredients, such as pea protein.) You can add a few scoops to your favorite cocktail sauce (homemade or store bought) or follow my recipe. To make this super-savory sinus cleansing seafood dipping sauce you will need:

  • 1 cup ketchup ( not homemade )
  • 2 tablespoons of cooked horseradish
  • 2 tablespoons wasabi paste
  • 2 teaspoons of sambal olek
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon pickled ginger brine

Add the ketchup and horseradish to the bowl and stir. Combine the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl and toss with a fork to create a wasabi-sambal gruel. Add the gruel to the ketchup and stir until everything is completely mixed. Served with chilled poached shrimp, preferably with an ice-cold martini. For the most authentic experience, discuss the stock market, monogram polo shirts, and yachts to recreate the decadence of the 80s.


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