Find Out If Your Password Has Been Leaked As a Result of a Data Breach With This Chrome Extension

At the moment, it seems like there is a new data breach every week when usernames, passwords and other personal information become vulnerable to hackers. Keeping track of them all can be tricky.

Passprotect is a Chrome extension that uses data from Have I Been Pwned to let you know if the password you are using has been discovered due to a data breach. If so, then it’s time to change it.

To get it, click on this link in the Google Chrome store, and then click “Add to Chrome” in the upper right corner of the page that opens.

First of all, a good way to avoid this problem is to use a password manager like 1Password to create and store secure passwords. Passwords are randomly generated and difficult to crack, which ultimately makes them a bit safer than anything you can probably think of yourself. 1Password is already comparing its passwords to the Pwned database.

And in general, it’s a good idea to check yourself on Have I Been Pwned from time to time. The site will simply ask you to enter your email address and then tell you what data breaches this address was involved in and what information the hackers took. In my case, I participated in seven, most of which I knew, but did not know about some. As with most things, it’s better to play it safe than sorry.


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