How Much Should You Pay Your Nanny in 2018, Depending on Where You Live
(Editor’s note: For an updated 2019 version of this publication, click here .)
To find out how many babysitters are in attendance these days, it is best to ask other parents in your area. However, it is good to have a general idea of how much people are paying. (Spoiler alert: This is probably more than what you made in high school trying to save up for the Super Nintendo.)
UrbanSitter just published the 7th Annual National Childcare Rates Survey, which shows average hourly childcare rates in major cities across the country. The national average is $ 16.43 per hour per child , but in reality, rates vary depending on where you live. San Francisco ranks as the most expensive city to hire a nanny at $ 17.34 an hour per child, while Phoenix has the cheapest nanny in the country at $ 11.83 an hour.
If you are calculating how much to pay a nanny, be sure to think about what you expect from the person in charge of your dear sibling: Are they Red Cross certified? Will they help your kids with their homework? Will they help to clean up a little? Be aware that these skills and services may add additional costs.
According to a survey, 38 percent of parents say they hire a nanny at least once a week. Main reason: a date. Noble cause, but you might consider using a babysitter for a “morning date” or an afternoon weekend instead. This is advice that some parents swear by. Not only will you be more rested for the date, the nanny will actually be able to engage with the kids instead of just tucking them into bed and watching Netflix on your couch. Everybody wins.