Set up Your Social Media Accounts When You Are Looking for a Job

If you’re looking for a new job, the first thing you think to do is tidy up your LinkedIn profile. While it’s always a good idea,new research from Simply Hired job search website suggests there is one more place you should go first: Instagram.

A site survey found that while 29% of hiring managers searched for people on LinkedIn, 38% of them checked job seekers’ social media accounts.

In most cases, hiring managers and recruiters want to know if you are the culture fit for the position. We are all usually a little more relaxed with what we post on social media compared to what we post on a professional site like LinkedIn so that a manager can discover that you are into baseball (great for a company team!) And would like to become a volunteer. tutoring the kids in their spare time … or they might find out that you spent the past weekend drunk at a keg party.

Obviously, whether a manager is going to look for you on social media and what they might be concerned about depends on the profession, but if you’re looking for a new job it’s a good idea to assume the hiring manager will check and either block everything until you get a new gig, or use these accounts to their advantage.

Victoria Whiting, director of internship at marketing agency H5, told Fast Company that “Instagram is a great place to showcase your talent for coherent imagery, brand development, engaging content and smart copywriting.”

So, if you’re applying for a new performance where something like your photography and design skills matter, then increasing relevant content (and hiding inappropriate material) can help you gain a competitive edge.

If you’re applying for a job in the tech industry, try posting some topical stories with a little insightful commentary of your own. If you’re looking for a job as a chef in a restaurant, double post photos of your delicious homemade creations.

This does not mean that you need to concentrate all your social media accounts: showing that you are an all-round candidate with different interests can be good … just make sure that the interests you show do not include how much you are. are good. stand on keg stands. Look at your accounts and make sure anything you would like to see in your potential new boss and remove or hide anything you want to keep private.


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