Wear Jeans for the First Date

Standing out on a first date is very difficult, and this stress inevitably affects your wardrobe choices. But there is no need to have a silly montage changing clothes before you go out to meet someone for the first time. Comfortable everyday items like nice jeans are all you need.

Assuming they aren’t filled with holes or ripped to shreds, jeans are always a safe bet in most social situations. Everyone has a pair and no one judges those who wear them. In a poll by Mulberry’s Cleaners , respondents overwhelmingly believe jeans are the perfect option for date numbers. When it comes to guys, most men and women agree that jeans are the best outfit for a first date. As for the girls, about half of the men and women surveyed thought that jeans were just dandy too. Jeans are mostly expected, which is good. The focus should be on each other , not on the pants.

Also, the “first date” is n’t really a date anyway, it’s more of an interview. Most “first dates” involve meeting in a café, bar or cafe to get a feel for each other’s atmosphere. You are trying to see if there is chemistry and make sure the other person is not an eccentric who wants to eat your calves; without causing a super-romantic atmosphere. Open clothes or appearing in a suit with a tie can give them the wrong idea and even scare them away . It’s a relaxed environment, so it’s good to stay relaxed. It’s okay if you’re worried, but don’t overdo it.

When I say jeans, I don’t necessarily mean real jeans. I’m not a big denim fan. Maybe you hate jeans or you don’t have a pair – I don’t know what’s in your closet! By “jeans” I mean the typical garments in which you feel comfortable. If you like trousers, skirts, or whatever, wear them. If you’re wearing a semi-casual suit and don’t look like you have the flu, you’re fine. The most important thing is that you are comfortable and that you are dressed appropriately for the place. If it gets cold, put on a jacket. If you think you are walking, wear shoes that won’t hurt your feet. When it comes to your first face-to-face interaction, stop worrying about how you will look and focus on your feelings . Convenience means you can be more confident, and it will make you look so much more attractive than wearing the perfect button-down shirt or trendy dress. So when in doubt, wear jeans – whatever that means to you.


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