Hang Your Guests’ Coats Over the Bathroom

When you have several guests in the apartment, and you do not have a special hanger for outerwear, the coat usually lies on the bed. But if it’s damp and you have a nice blanket, grab a hanger and ask guests to hang a coat from the shower curtain rail above the bathroom.

This is indeed the case. The bathroom is a nice temporary mud room. If your shower bar is sturdy enough and you have enough empty hangers, you should be able to handle a coat for an entire party.

Guests can also leave their dirty shoes here instead of crowding their welcome mat or hallway. The umbrellas obviously go into the tub. (Everyone can leave their wallets and other clean paraphernalia on the bed.)

This can make the grooming process a little awkward as people use the bathroom as both a dressing room and a bathroom. But, on the other hand, guests do not need to dig out a fur coat from under another fur coat. And more importantly, your bed won’t get wet from the rain.


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