Tell Us About Your Parisian Tips

Paris! Canonically, it is the most beautiful city in the world and a favorite travel destination! They love it at any time of the year,even when it is drizzling / hissing ! I swear to god, if any of you insult this city in the comments, I will ban you from your computer.

Every Monday onHack Your City, we ask readers for the best tips about the city: driving tips, restaurant tips, entertainment, and any other tips for visitors and locals alike. Then, on Thursday, we present the best comments. We work in the USA and around the world.

What’s great about Paris that isn’t on the front page of Lonely Planet? If you had to create an entire itinerary that avoids all the crowded tourist spots, what would you write on it? Is there a rule of thumb for detecting tourist traps (other than “everyone looks like tourists”)?

What navigation tips do you have? The city districts are numbered in a spiral from the city center , so this is convenient, but do residents really refer to them by numbers? Wikitravel mentions that you should keep your train ticket with you; is there anything else to remember about trains? How is the lighting in the cockpit? Should a visitor dare to drive in Paris? Is it worth it for a resident?

What customs should visitors remember? What seemingly rude behavior is there an explanation? What seemingly good behavior can get them in trouble? How much French should a visitor try to learn, and how long should they use it to be polite?

What is it like to actually live in Paris? What areas are affordable and what is dangerous? How do you deal with all the tourists – or do you manage to stay away from them?

Comment below and we’ll summarize in a new post on Thursday. As they say in Paris, goodbye to sayonara!


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