The Best Way to Answer Is, “Do I Look Good?”

You are preparing for a big night out in the city when your companion turns to you and asks, “Do I look good?” Sip . You shoot “Aha!” not looking? Are you telling them that they always look so good? Or will you give them honest feedback? We asked you what you say and that is what you told us.

I should note that there was a general consensus that when people ask such a vague question, they usually just want confirmation that they don’t look like some kind of monster and that you are ready to be seen. Fair! But some of you have shared some great tips that I think everyone should know. Always start with something nice to start with, and then ask your own question to help them be more specific (in case there is something they are worried about and afraid to say directly).

Commentator Ryader recommends saying something like, “ Yes, you look great! Why? Something awkward? Their answer will help you pinpoint what they are actually shy about and will help you provide a helpful answer or calm their fears. In a similar vein, PieBrain encourages you to put yourself in their shoes . Suppose they are happy with their own style and are simply asking which aspects of their clothing are abnormal.

If you want to be honest but are worried that your answer will offend them, the commenter salad suggests you use a confidence-boosting comment by default – for example, “You look great!” – followed by criticism in the style of an art school. First, think about the event they are attending. Then say something you like about their outfit and complete it with some instructions using lines such as “I like this vest on you, but [such and such] might be more appropriate for [an event].” This way, they understand that it’s not about their looks or their sense of style, but what is best for the event.

Just keep in mind that timing is everything, Emerald Jewelry and Limis say . If they can’t change something about their clothes or appearance right now – they have nothing else to wear, they are not at home, etc. – just give them confidence. In these situations, they really need it, and that’s all you have to offer. There is no need to drag them down with honest honesty if they cannot fix it, especially if it happens right before they enter the event.

As for those of you asking similar questions, steve.w.scow says it’s best to ask for specific feedback:

The quasimammalian commentator agrees , believing it’s best not to ask unless you have something specific that bothers you:

If you don’t have something in particular that worries you, but you still want honest feedback for your group, ask the question directly and to the point. As Huhullatus put it , a simple question: “Is there some serious flaw in my clothes that I don’t notice?” I’ll do it.


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