You Don’t Need to See Numbers When You Weigh Yourself
Some of us are too obsessed with numbers. Perhaps most of us. Unfortunately, if you step on the scale every morning to see if you are losing weight, then the number will be right in front of you. If it’s a little shorter than usual, congratulations! If not, then you’re a failure now, aren’t you.
That’s why I love the idea – if not the product, then definitely – Shapa . It is a wireless scale without a display, and the connected app simply displays your weight as a color: green means you support, gray means you gain, blue means you lose.
Unfortunately, the app only works with their $ 99 scale. (The app also has a set of “behavioral sciences” for you to use, and it gives you your “Shap’s age” number, so – uh – at least you have a new number to worry about). countless scales is pretty cool, and someone has to make an app that works with whatever wireless scale you have. For example, here’s my graph from Lose It , but I broke it by cutting out the numbers:
This way, you can pin a picture of a cute puppy to the display on your scale and then keep stepping on it every morning, but only check the graph when you want to see how you are doing. The closest I could find is Happy Scale for iOS (free), which includes numbers, but also draws a trendline, so you see those small one and two pound swings as outliers, not plot twists.
Fluctuations in weight are normal, even for one day . Ditching the scales altogether is one option for peace of mind, but it’s not for everyone. So it’s worth finding clever ways to weigh yourself without succumbing to the drama of numbers.