How to Switch From IPhone to Pixel 2

Anyone with an iPhone might think that switching to an Android device is tricky. But Google’s latest smartphone, the Pixel 2 , takes the worry out of switching by taking care of all the annoying little things like copying your photos or contacts. You will need to change some settings before you can move from one operating system to another, but the whole process is much less stressful than importing and exporting data, and you may have trouble identifying or moving correctly (everyone hates VCF files).

What do you need

To transfer data from iOS to Android without any problems, you need to get your equipment in order. This means the computer that manages your iTunes backups, your iPhone, USB to Lightning cable, and your Pixel 2 hardware.

The Pixel 2 (and 2 XL) comes with a Quick Switch Adapter, a USB-C to USB-A adapter that lets you connect a Pixel 2 with a USB-C port to your iOS device using traditional USB-A. to the Lightning cable. You will need this. Inside the box is a tool for removing the SIM card. You will need that too.

First, turn off iMessage

Before switching from one phone to another, you need to turn off iMessage. This ensures that your texts don’t end up in a messaging purgatory where texts sent by Android users moving from iOS won’t be delivered. Visit Settings, tap Messages and turn off iMessage. Simple!

Decrypt your iPhone

If you have enabled backup encryption for your iOS device, it will affect the amount of data transferred to your Pixel 2. To fix this problem, you need to disable backup encryption by connecting your iOS device to a computer running iTunes. Uncheck the “Encrypt iPhone backup” checkbox on the Summary page and give iTunes a few minutes to back up your iPhone without encryption.

Change SIM, charge phones

You should disconnect your iPhone’s SIM card after disabling iMessage and decrypting your iPhone to avoid any complications. You can use the SIM removal tool that came with your Pixel 2 to open your iPhone’s SIM card and insert it into your Pixel 2. You can now turn on both of your devices. Make sure both accounts have been charged at least 50%, otherwise you will not be able to initiate the transfer process. Connect your Pixel 2 to your preferred Wi-Fi network. Then follow the instructions on the Pixel 2 screen.

Create a Google account, select your details

If you are upgrading to Android, you need to create a Google account to store all transferred data. After you create it (or sign in with your current Google account), you can choose which bits of data to transfer, such as photos, messages, calendars, and contacts. Or just copy it all and say goodbye to your walled garden. Behold: your new Android-powered walled garden, complete with AirDrop and Bluetooth headphone connectivity alternatives !


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