What Grievances Do You Have for Friends Who Have Children?

When you don’t have children, but you have friends, problems can arise. Their life as parents changes dramatically, while yours generally remains the same, and this can sometimes cause tension in your relationship. What truth would you like to tell them without upsetting them or hurting their feelings?

Sure, you support them and all that, but within reason, there must be something that drives you crazy. For example, here are some of the complaints I would like to voice:

  • I want to play board games, video games and picnics with you, not you and your child. The first time your child tries to play or participate in a cute game, it quickly loses its charm. I understand you are now primarily a parent, but if the only way we can interact right now is to create a child buffer between us, let’s move our game over and just hover.
  • I want to hear about your child, but I don’t want to hear only about him. I have a general interest in your family and your child’s interests, but I would like to talk to a friend of mine about what has brought us together in the first place now, please.
  • No, I don’t want to come to your kids’ party. Stop inviting me and making me feel bad about not wanting to sit and listen soberly how people talk about their children when I don’t have them – all while the children are screaming in the background.

So tell us in the comments below! What bothers you about what your parent friends are doing? What would you like to say to their faces? Now you have a chance to get it all without rocking the boat. Oh, and if you’re a parent who is seething with rage as you read this, hold on tight. Don’t blow up comments that defend paternity. Soon it will be your turn to say something to your childless friends.


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