Google Home Finally Lets You Set Reminders With Your Voice

Do you know what you do when you ask your partner / friend / family member to remind you to do something later? Yes, now Google Home can actually do it, and unlike the person you always ask about, they won’t forget. Google Home is rolling out an update this week that will finally enable voice reminders for the digital assistant.

The anticipated feature is powered by the Google Assistant platform, which has been able to do reminders on Android phones for some time now. To use it, all you have to do is say something like “Ok Google, set a reminder [insert date, time and date here]”. You can set reminders for anything like appointments, when to take out the trash, or when to call your mom, and you can set them as far away as you like. And if you use Google Assistant on your Android phone, Google Home can remind you even when you’re on the go.

Best of all, Google Home can recognize multiple users, so anyone in your family can use the reminder feature. No job reminders for your kids, no work reminders for your partner, and no hassle if you need Google Home to remind you of your anniversary or birthday. Distribution of reminders started today and will be available in the coming weeks.


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