You May Need a Frozen Condom to Relieve Postpartum Vaginal Trauma

Childbirth injuries are not fun. First, these are our most tender moments that we are talking about here, the places that we usually want to be treated with kindness and respect. But what do big babies know about kindness and respect? A little. They come out, by hook or by crook, and it might seem like they actually used a hook and staff to poke their way down the chute.

This means you will need postpartum vaginal care. Enter SELF prompting you to fill the condom with water and freeze it, then place it on the vulva (for external use only, * do not insert anything into the vagina *) to reduce soreness and swelling after childbirth. Obviously, this is just an ice pack, but it will fit your anatomy.

If it works for you, great! I would recommend making a variety of ice pacifiers, such as the one offered by SELF, a frozen surgical glove, or maxi pads with built-in cold compress, or, as my friends who have vaginally given birth, maxi pads soaked in water, suggest. non-alcoholic witch hazel and frozen. In fact, these What to Expect postpartum perineal care guidelines are pretty good: keep the area clean with a spray bottle of lukewarm water, apply heat and cold, wear loose-fitting clothing, and keep it regular so you don’t overexert yourself.

My postpartum experiences, which were accompanied by the sound of sobbing (mostly me, the baby was fine), taught me to have various remedies on hand for all physical challenges: Tylenol for pain, bacitracin for nipple injuries, hemorrhoid relief , sanitary pads or even adult diapers for unloading. The hospital nurse will instruct you on how to treat your injuries, and it is helpful for a partner or family member to be present to listen as well – due to the fog of war, it is difficult to listen carefully. As with other medical things, talk to your doctor about how best to take care of yourself after giving birth.

If you want to follow the advice of YOURSELF, at least buying a pack of condoms in your ninth month of pregnancy can be fun – let other clients think that you expect to be busy ASAP! What if you take good care of yourself and wait six weeks and you don’t have any further complications and you feel like this, and you are not too tired, and you can find the time, and maybe something else, and .. .well, forget it. Just freeze the condoms.


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