Hear How Your Voice Sounds to Those Around You
When I was in college, I got a job as a DJ at a radio station on our campus. During Christmas break they played old shows to fill the time, and one morning I managed to tune in to myself on the radio. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was me, and my first thought was surprise: “Oh no, am I really saying that?”
I do. In truth, we all sound a little different to other people than we think.
Vocal coach Chris Beatty explains that the problem is that we get a preview of how our voice sounds from the side of our face, right into our ears. Along with this, there is some internal vibration in the ear and head. Put it all together and that’s what we think we sound like. We are wrong.
Obviously, you can record yourself on your phone or elsewhere and play it back to get a taste of your sound, but if you really want to customize that sound, real-time feedback is much better.
To do this, Beatty suggests using two file folders (or magazines, or several sheets of paper) and placing them in front of your ears so that they stick out to the side of your head. This blocks the preview of the sound approaching your side of your face. Instead, sound must travel in front of you and around the room, including carpet and furniture, for you to hear. This means that you hear what you actually sound.