Why Do You Need This Hook at the Tray Table on an Airplane
Sometimes the best things in life are right in front of you but go unnoticed. Take, for example, a small hook on an airplane seat. On a recent flight, my seatmate took off her cardigan and hung it on a hook . My mind was shocked and I felt stupid for not realizing that this hook existed.
I sat on my own cardigan like a caveman . So I copied it and timidly admitted that I didn’t realize it was the problem. “I know,” she said, “cool, huh? That’s what it’s for. Apparently, this surprised not only me.
The hook is right next to the tray table on the seat in front of you. Of course, its usefulness is not limited to your cardigans and jackets. You can hang headphones, chargers, hair bands and whatever suits you. However, it is very convenient for clothes that you do not want to wrinkle on.
Not all planes will have them, but both of my United twin-engine planes. This is one of those things that I never really noticed, but now I will probably look for them on every flight (and, of course, I will complain when they are not).