Determine When to Plant Your Garden With This Calculator

How do you know when to plant tomatoes and other crops for warm weather? For those of us who live in temperate climates, we plant on Mother’s Day and its days. But depending on where you are, in fact, you may have started a few weeks ago, or you still have to wait a bit. Here’s how to put it.

Many flowers and vegetables are planted after the “frost hazard” has passed. This is not your average date of the last freeze because 50% of the frosts are still after the average date. It is very unlikely that you want to wait for frost. For crops that like warm weather, including tomatoes, peppers, and courgettes, wait another week after that date.

Enter your zip code into this calculator and you will see pop-ups with the corresponding dates. If you live in or around New York City, your “almost guaranteed” frost-free growing season will begin on April 29th. Now is the perfect time to plant tomatoes if you haven’t already. In Portland, Oregon, the season began on May 10. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the equivalent date is May 29, so let’s wait a bit. However, you can still plant crops for cold weather: peas, carrots, lettuce, and onions are frost-resistant.


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