The Easiest Ways to Open Tough Pistachio

Most pistachios are easy to open, but each bag has a few obstacles: nuts with a tiny hole in the shell that looks like a nasty grin. However, there is no need to ruin your nails or teeth trying to get inside! We have two easy ways to crack the tough nut.

The first method is a simple operation: take one of the discarded shells from your heap. Insert it into the hole of the stubborn pistachio and twist. The shell will crack and you will have a snack.

If that doesn’t work, try method number two: break it down. That’s it, just smash it. I use the nearest jar or can if I am in the kitchen. At the picnic one could taste rock. It takes a little practice to find the right amount of force when you crack the shell, but don’t destroy the nut. However, spoiling a couple of nuts is better than throwing away a dozen unopened pistachios.


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