What Your Core Really Is and How to Strengthen It

Twists and planks aren’t everything. If you want to strengthen your core, you need to think big. Your core includes all the muscles in your torso, from your shoulders to your hips. And there is so much more to it than just helping you sit up.

Why a weak core is a responsibility

I took a TRX course this weekend. Most movements require your core to be stable while you grip the suspension straps with your hands and perform any pushing or pulling motion. This is an amazing full body workout. But at the end of my row there was a guy who was there for the first time, and he either could not keep his balance, or did not know how to do it. His back sagged when he was supposed to be in a push-up position, or he turned the deadlift into crunch. As a result, he was not getting the most out of his exercise.

A strong core is also important for runners and swimmers. Your body twists with every step or stroke, so you need to keep your torso steady and strong. In fact, since your core is connected to your arms and legs, controlling your core helps to pull your hand through the water or stabilize your foot on the ground. Without a strong core, you won’t be able to swim or run as hard as you can.

When I was playing roller derby, a strong core was needed to hit hard. To push someone with your shoulder, your body must be firm all the way from the floor to the point of impact, including your legs and torso. If you do a hip check instead, you might think that you have nothing to worry about above the hips. But without strong, core muscles involved, your upper body will sway on impact, throwing you off balance.

Even if you’re not doing body testing for a hobby, a strong core is important in your daily life. With it, you can move couches and shovel snow without hurting your back. You can easily open the heaviest doors. You can carry the angry child out of the museum’s gift shop while he twirls in your arms like a giant dying fish. (Ask me how I know.)

On the other hand, without a strong core, your time in the gym will hardly pay off. You will be doing crappy push-ups. You will be doing crappy deadlifts. You will have poor posture. As you get older, it will become more difficult for you to get out of bed or get out of the toilet. You will be more prone to falling . The stronger you are now, the better you will be throughout your life.

What is your core really

Many of us identify our “core” with that six-cube muscle in the front of our abdomen called the rectus abdominis muscle . And yes, you can feel muscle tension when doing crunches. But how does this get us used to real life? Leaning forward is not something we have to do with great strength. But when the rectus abdominis muscle joins with all of the other core muscles, it helps keep our body steady in all positions.

This is why the plank is better than the curl: Done correctly, the plank engages all of your core muscles at the same time (plus your arms and legs, for good measure). Each muscle contracts, providing resistance to the other muscle. The end result is a solid core. This is the same situation as in many of the examples above, where you need to firmly resist external pressure, be it a hip check, a banging child, or a heavy door.

But there are many more ways to work out the core than the old reserves of plank and crunch. Let’s take a look at which muscles we are actually targeting:

Some trainers believe that your core also includes nearby muscles, such as your hips and upper back. For example, the iliopsoas muscles connect the spine to the legs and help pull the hips towards the stomach. You use them when doing squats, for example.

How to work with your core in all directions

With so many muscles involved, you can see why crunching exercises won’t help. The good news is that almost any full-body movement will work your core to one degree or another, as long as you do it in good shape. This includes push-ups , pull -ups , and hitting the tractor tire with a sledgehammer . Here’s how to recognize some of the best moves for your core:

  • You have to keep your core steady . This is for well-shaped planks and push-ups (when your body is completely in the perfect plank). It also includes inverted lines like in the video above.
  • You use one arm or one leg to get your core to accommodate the one-sided forces. Dead bugs and bird dogs are excellent examples.
  • You hold a dumbbell on one side of your body to increase the load on one arm or one leg. For example, if you are doing a dumbbell deadlift or bench press with one hand at a time, your core should work to keep you from falling. For a clearer example, consider Turkish clothing or a farmer’s one-way walk .
  • You turn your body to make the movement happen . The classic example here is thelumberjack , in which a dumbbell or cable machine simulates the weight of an ax. You pull it diagonally, as if you were chopping wood. You can, of course, chop some wood for this kind of workout. Or try aRussian twist (with or without medicine ball) instead of squats.
  • You are using an unstable platform . Instead of resting your forearms on the floor, place your forearms on a medicine ball, exercise ball, or boosu .

Thanks to these movements, you don’t need to devote a day or part of your workout to your main work. You will work the main body along with the rest of your body when you perform large functional movements. If you prefer exercises that isolate certain parts of the body, that’s fine, but remember to take the time to work your core in different ways.


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