Easy Dog Treats You Can Make for Your Furry Friend

Dogs are a very important part of life and they deserve a treat. Sure, there are tons of store-bought options out there, but recent reviews have made me wary, and there’s something reassuring about seeing every ingredient that goes into my pet’s snack. Unlike some human treats, dog treats are super easy to whip up, and we’ve rounded up a bunch of simple and delicious snacks for your favorite furry friend.

As with any dietary change, be sure to check with your veterinarian before introducing any new food into your dog’s diet, and remember that anything below should be given from time to time as a treat , not as a substitute. food. (Also, while all of these treats are safe to eat, they are all fairly bland, and I would only recommend eating smoothies, raw fruits and vegetables.)

Bakery products

I show love to people by baking for them and no one deserves my love more than my dog. (In fact, I think that few people are as worthy of love as my dog, and even more “more worthy”.) In addition to the fact that dogs are more worthy of your culinary creations, they are simply much more fun stove. Has any person eaten cookies with the same pleasure and enthusiasm as your dog? Has your dog ever given “constructive feedback” on your carrot cake recipe? Does your dog care about his appearance? I think no.

2K Baby Food Treat

These Curbly treats are very cheap and very easy to make, making them some of my favorites. All you need is whole grain flour and quality baby cookie food that’s perfect for your furry little one.


  • 2 cups 100% organic whole grain flour (you can also mix with wheat germ, spelled, or oatmeal).
  • 2 4-ounce cans of preservative-free baby food made with dog-friendly fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and carrots. (Avoid anything related to onions, garlic, or other onions.)

Mix the two ingredients together to make a dough, adding water as needed to keep it firm but pliable. Roll out the dough, cut it with a sharp knife or cookie cutters, transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake at 350 ℉ for 20-25 minutes. Let the treat cool before giving it to your puppy.

Flaxseed Cheddar Cookies

These cookies ( which I developed for Dogster ) take a little more effort, but as you can see in the photo above, my dog ​​is a huge fan. Flax seeds are good for your puppy’s skin and coat , and even a little sprinkle of cheddar makes this cookie especially tempting. You can purchase flax seeds at most health food stores or specialty grocery stores; just remember to crush them right before use to keep the oil from going rancid.


  • 1 cup flour (all-purpose or whole grain)
  • 1/2 cup beef broth
  • 2 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Chopped cheddar for sprinkling (optional)

Whisk the broth, linseed oil and olive oil together until smooth (some separation is inevitable). Stir in flour and flax and blend to form a sticky elastic dough. Brush your hands with a little olive oil and roll the dough into 16 mounds the size of a table tennis ball. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and press a pinch of cheddar into each. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until the cheese is lightly browned and the cookies are firm but slightly springy. Let cool.

Frozen treats

On my last attempt at becoming a healthy adult, my King Charles Spaniel was obsessed with my morning smoothie . At first I just let her lick my empty glass, but I soon started doing a little more so that she could have her own spaniel-sized portion in her bowl. Unsurprisingly, her favorite was the one that had peanut butter in it. (A note on peanut butter: make sure you are using a brand name that does not contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that can be fatal to dogs. )

Peanut Butter Jelly Smoothie


  • 5 ounces low fat Greek yogurt (I used one of the 0% portioned Chobani yoghurts)
  • 2 rounded tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 8 small strawberries (use frozen for a frosty treat)
  • Tbsp maple syrup (any grade will do, but grade B is more flavorful)

Place everything in a blender and beat until smooth. I’m pretty sure you know what a smoothie looks like. Pour a small portion into a puppy bowl and either chill the rest or drink it yourself.

Strawberry ice cream

You may or may not have seen a little product called Frosty Paws, but my dog ​​is crazy about overpriced dog ice cream. (She’s also crazy about paper towels soaked in pizza fat, so let’s not use too much.) Unlike kids, dogs are completely unaware of the brand and will be just as happy with a concoction that looks like ice cream. which you do you. Create. (Which is great because these Frosty Paw things are expensive.)


  • 4 large strawberries, rinsed, peeled and diced
  • 3 cups low fat plain yogurt, halved avoid brands containing fat substitutes

Combine both ingredients in a blender or food processor. Pour the mixture into small cups or ice cube tray and freeze. For fun little shapes, pour the mixture into a piping bag or a resealable plastic bag with a cut off corner. Line a baking sheet or cutting board with wax paper and apply any art forms to it. (I can do circles and hearts.) Place the tray or board in the freezer until the molds are fully set (about fifteen minutes). Remove them from the paper and serve to your favorite puppy. (Store in an airtight container in the freezer.)

Meat snacks

While the marketing of pet food leads us to believe that dogs are ruled by their desire for bacon, this particular pork product should be avoided as a treat due to its high salt and fat levels. (Even the highest quality bacon is not good for dogs.) For a healthy yet highly appealing pork snack, swap out breakfast jerky for simply cooked pork ears for a chewy treat.

Baked pork ears

I love fried pork ears, but deep-frying is not the best way to make dog treats. Instead of dipping them in a vat of hot oil, Food52 recommends baking these babies slowly and low in the oven. (Alternatively, you can smoke them. Food52 will tell you how .)


  • Pig ears
  • Butter

Buy pork ears from the butcher or the nearest Piggly Wiggly (if you live near such a fine establishment). Cut them into pieces that are the right size for your dog (they shrink slightly as you cook), then pour enough oil to cover them. Spread them out on a foil-lined baking sheet and bake on the lowest rack of the oven until they are completely dry. Depending on how low your oven can go, this will take 6 to 10 hours, so flip them around the 4 o’clock position. When they are nice and crispy, let cool and store in a paper bag in a cool, dry place.

Go raw

Dogs love food, and honestly, they don’t care how much time you spend preparing it. This is great news because there isn’t always time to bake (or mix) your dog, but you can still reward him or her for being such a good boy or girl with delicious raw snacks:

  • Carrot Sticks – Dogs don’t even need to dip.
  • Apple Slices – Remove seeds and core first.
  • Pineapple Chunks – Make sure to peel off every piece of this prickly skin.
  • Blueberries – Freeze them to keep them cool in summer.
  • Cucumbers – Cucumbers are mostly water, making them very moisturizing and suitable for pets on a calorie-restricted diet.

These are my dog’s personal favorites, but you can check out this American Kennel Club list for more ideas. If you have any doubts about whether your dog can eat something, check with your veterinarian and always avoid onions (or anything from onions), grapes, mushrooms, avocados, and tomatoes.


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