Data Selfie Analyzes Your Use of Facebook to Show That Businesses Can Learn About You

Chrome: Facebook collects a lot of your data, but you may never see what they really know about you. The purpose of Data Selfie is to give you an overview by allowing you to analyze your own use of Facebook.

While it’s impossible to know exactly how Facebook is analyzing your data without working for the company, Data Selfie gives you a rough approximation. Once added to Chrome, the extension tracks your Facebook activity. Everything from what you press to what you type. Data Selfie stores this information locally and does not share it with anyone (although Facebook is obviously tracking it).

After using it for a while, you can create a report that allows you to explore what someone might learn from your activities. It shows simple things like the pages and people you spend the most time with, as well as complex thoughts like how you lean toward politics, or how relaxed or emotional you are.

If you’ve never paid attention to how simple things like your Facebook activity can turn into powerful data profiles, this is a good tool to play with. You might think that companies can’t know how you lean towards politics or what your religion is if you don’t tell them, but data analysis can figure it out pretty quickly. Whether you’re comfortable using Facebook after viewing reports like the ones Data Selfie generates is up to you, but it’s important to know how your data can be used.

Selfie data | Chrome Web Store


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