More Reasons Why You Should File Your Tax Return As Early As Possible
We mentioned earlier that you should file your tax return as early as possible to prevent identity theft and give yourself time to make payments . If that’s not enough, here are a few more reasons.
As the personal finance site Money Ning points out, if you are buying a home or applying to the FAFSA, you will need to include your tax return information. Deferring taxes may take longer. On top of that, if you wait until April to file your tax return and it turns out that you need an extension, it could cost you fees:
Solve them sooner if your taxes are a headache. You will find errors and missing documents early enough to buy time without having to apply for an extension. The biggest risk associated with an extension is that you must pay your taxes in full on April 15th before you even know exactly how much you owe. If you cannot pay, the IRS may charge fines and interest until you pay.
Taxes are an annoying annual event that none of us enjoy doing, but all signs point to life getting better if you file them sooner rather than later. You can read the full text below to learn more about how life can go wrong if you don’t apply early. Take this from me .
5 good reasons to file your tax return sooner rather than later | Money