Krita Is a Fast, Flexible and Free Photoshop Alternative Created by Artists

Windows / macOS / Linux: If you’re looking for a digital painting tool and Photoshop is too expensive, Krita is a fast, free, open source painting tool that was developed by artists looking for something that meets their needs without a ton of bells and whistles or overheads. Plus, it’s completely cross-platform.

When we say “alternative to photoshop,” we are not strictly referring to an alternative tool that will help you manipulate photos, correct their color, resize them, and prepare them for publication. Sure, you could probably do it with Krita, but this tool is really designed for artists who need a drawing app to create original digital art, web and print comics, concept art, and more. The app has all the usual features you can expect from a digital art tool, including layers and layer management, masks and selections, transformation tools, a full color palette, and even some perks like drawing assistants, resource manager, user-friendly interface. , and more.

Krita can even support, open, and edit native Photoshop PSDs, so you can give it a try if you’re thinking about switching without worrying about not being able to work on projects you already have. Also, since it’s free, you can try it first and see if it suits your needs. Unlike many similar apps, the interface is familiar and the learning curve isn’t as steep. Check it out at the link below.



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