7 Body Language Mistakes You Won’t Want to Make in Your Next Interview

An interview is your best chance to make a good impression on your future boss and team, and while it’s also time for them to impress you, you need to make sure you are sending the right message in your non-verbal words. This picture shows seven different body language mistakes you may not want to make and how to avoid them.

Some of these mistakes you’ve probably heard before at some point, such as how bad it can be to avoid eye contact (although too much is a problem in itself), or how persistent worry can distract attention from what you are trying to say and make others focus on how nervous you are. Some of the others, such as exaggerated nodding, crossed arms (or other closed body language ), and shaking hands loosely are all other prohibitions, but on the bright side, the picture below shows you how to avoid them all or work around them naturally when you can. in a way that doesn’t look like you are forcing yourself to sit up straight or putting a lot of mental effort into how you treat others.

7 Body Language Interview Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) | OnStride


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