NewsOn Streams Local News From All Over the Country to Your Browser, Smartphone or Roku

Internet / Android / iOS / Roku: If you just want to keep up to date with your community’s news as you travel, or wonder how issues are presented on networks across the country, NewsOn can show you. The service provides the ability to broadcast local news from over 170 stations for free to virtually any device.

NewsOn uses your location to start showing you available broadcasts in your area, but you can always open the search bar from the menu on the left to search for broadcasts in a specific area, region, city, or even search by callsign to see if you can. find a specific station. The service advertises over 170 stations in 110 markets across the United States, and you can watch old news broadcasts within 48 hours of their airtime (after which they disappear).

The web app is fairly easy to use, but if you install the Android or iOS mobile app, you get an interactive map to watch, switch stations, watch previous broadcasts, and more.The Roku app brings it all to your TV without the need for an OTA antenna. or switching inputs. Best of all, the service is completely free, albeit ad-supported.

Let’s be honest: Local news is not always the best for a number of reasons, but it always sheds light on how local markets, anchors and insights into the issues that matter in these communities, people reacting to events, tragedies, etc. celebrating in these places, and if you are far from home, for example, it can help you feel connected to your hometown or where your friends and family can live, and this is a nice bonus for free service.



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