Your Finances Don’t Have to Be Perfect for Work.
Read enough financial advice and you will begin to realize that any mistake or flaw in your financial life is disastrous. In fact, the opposite is true. Not only is it okay to be imperfect, but you can fix even the worst calamity.
As personal finance site The Frugal Vagabond explains, financial imperfection is a fact of life. Whether you’ve accumulated more credit card debt than you planned, missed a few bill payments, or simply didn’t save enough, everyone is going to have a tough time at some point. This does not mean that you have completely failed, and it certainly does not mean that you cannot bounce back. The site tells the story of this story in the context of a marriage to a financially imperfect person:
If we applied the same cold, impersonal calculation to relationships that we do to pay off debt and maximize our savings, we will probably all die alone. We will always optimize our choice of partner while looking for the perfect rescue helper. We would demand a highly paid, debt-oblivious, minimally materialistic bully and settle for nothing less. Since most of us are human first and high octane engines second, this usually doesn’t work. Choosing a partner as we choose a new laptop – based on a list of features and functions – is completely unrealistic.
Of course, even if you are financially flawed in your relationship, you can still go astray. Learn the basics of personal finance , budget, start saving, and pay off debt. It won’t happen quickly and won’t necessarily be enjoyable, but making the changes necessary to start balancing and budget mismatch is doable for almost everyone, even if you’re not perfect at it.
Loving the Financially Imperfect | Thrifty Drifter via Rockstar Finance