This Great Anti-Procrastination Course Used to Be Paid, but Is Now Free.
Productivity coach Kosio Angelov has built a paid procrastination course at Udemy that has been attended by over 1,000 people. Now Angelov has dropped the $ 47 price tag and put the course on YouTube for free.
The course is a series of eight videos, each about 10 minutes long. Angels touches on several points that we talked about earlier, but in simple and understandable language. They can help you determine what type of procrastinator you are , explain the science behind procrastination , and give you helpful tips, such as how to set up your environment to kick a bad habit.
Angels knows their stuff, so this is a crash course in the basics of understanding and eliminating procrastination. In addition, it has collected all the videos for you into one playlist.
How to Stop Procrastinating | Successful By Design (YouTube) via Reddit