Frozen Dumplings and “Steam-Fry” Potato Stickers for Perfect Crispy Skin

When done right, fried potstickers and dumplings have a golden crisp bottom and a juicy potsticker filling. The delicious steam-frying magic helps the potsticker’s crust crisp up, ensuring even cooking and retaining moisture. This is an incredible dish that can be replicated at home.

The whole process should take about 20 minutes. You will need a non-stick frying pan and a lid. Don’t try to unfreeze potstickers beforehand; steam cooks them completely. You will need a tablespoon of butter and place the potstickers in the pan as if you were frying them. But you’re also going to add enough water to cover the potstickers by about a quarter of the height. Then cover with a lid. The water evaporates to steam, the butter browns the potstickers, and use your chopsticks (or tongs) to gently fish out those crunchy, pasty goodies.

How to steam dumplings? | just awkward


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