Keep Windows 10 Taskbar Visible When Using the Onscreen Keyboard

If you’re using Windows 10 on a touchscreen device like Surface, you may notice that the on-screen keyboard closes the taskbar when it’s in use. Here’s how to show both at the same time.

Closing the keyboard when you need to use the taskbar is easy, but also unnecessary. To keep the taskbar visible even when using the keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Start” and type “regedit”. Press Enter.
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ StigRegKey \ Typing \ TaskbarAvoidanceEnabled.
  3. If StigRegKey, Typing, or TaskbarAvoidanceEnabled doesn’t exist, right click on the parent value and add a new key.
  4. In the TaskbarAvoidanceEnabled section, right-click and add a new DWORD (32-bit) value.
  5. Name it “Enable”.
  6. Right click and set it to 1.
  7. Reboot your machine.

After that, whenever you open the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10, it should avoid the taskbar. As always, be careful when editing the registry.

Windows 10: Displaying the taskbar and on-screen keyboard | Gaki


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