Focus on These Four Areas to Move Your Career Forward

Whether you’re aiming for the top rung of the ladder or just focusing on the next rung, there are many ways you can grow your career . If you’re unsure of what to do, here are four specific areas you can work on.

You won’t be able to focus on all of these areas at the same time in addition to your normal workload, so take your time. Some of these areas are easier to work on early in your career, and some are applied later when you have more autonomy and responsibility.

  • Rely less on the guidance and approval of your boss . As an entry-level position, you usually get specific direction from your boss. The longer you have a job, the more likely you are to take on additional responsibilities and leadership, including the expectation that you are able to make some decisions without getting approval from your boss. Trust your own judgment and keep your boss informed when necessary.
  • Be able to work on longer deadlines . Instead of getting distracted from your day to day tasks, start looking ahead to what your priorities should be for the week or month and work backwards so you know what you need to do each day or week to reach your goals.
  • Learn to coach others well . When you’re a new manager, it can be difficult to balance your increased responsibilities while leading your team. You will spend some time reviewing their work, but you also need to learn how to give them helpful and helpful feedback. You also need to consider how the team works as a whole, not just individually.
  • Build and maintain an off-site presence . As your career grows, you will have more opportunities to become a leader in your industry. Provide an off-site presence that reflects your professional knowledge and skills. This can be useful when changing jobs, requesting a promotion, or even looking for other opportunities (such as performing).

No matter what industry you work in, mastering these skills over time will give you valuable soft skills that you can use throughout your working life.

Four work habits to change at every stage of your career | Fast Company


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