Pocket’s New Browse Tab Makes It Easy to Find New Articles

Pocket is one of the best bookmarking services out there , but if you don’t already have a ton of stuff stored in it, it’s a little tricky to find new articles to read. Now the site has a new “Overview” tab, which should make this task a little easier.

From the Pocket main page, tap Explore , then enter any topic that interests you. You will see a list of popular stories along with articles that other users have saved a lot. You will also see related topics so you can expand your search to related articles.

Along with Explore Pocket, it releases several small enhancements for the Chrome extension. Now, when you add an article using the Chrome extension, you also get three recommendations for other related articles. The extension will also now show you popular articles on new tab pages.

Making the Internet a More Interesting Place | Pocket


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