Revive Dormant Friendships for Instant, More Meaningful Connections
Making new friends after college isn’t easy, no matter how many ways you open up to meet new people . If you’re struggling to build a social group, it may not be new people you want, but people you know and trust who have simply lost touch due to time or distance.
Think about the people you have been involved with at some point and with whom you enjoyed spending time, but with whom you have stopped communicating for one reason or another. Of course, some friendships grow for some reason and you don’t want to rebuild relationships with people you no longer have anything in common with, but sometimes it’s just times and circumstances that separate us, as well as a phone call, a Facebook message. , or email can easily rekindle it. Plus, they might even be happy to hear from you.
For example, you may have known and loved someone from your training class, but when the lesson was over, you never kept in touch. Or a parent from your child’s preschool who you got along well with but didn’t keep in touch with after your kids went to different elementary schools. It may not always be an easy or quick ticket to a good friend, but sometimes it’s better to start with an old acquaintance than to start from scratch.
Podcast 79: Reviving Sleeping Friendships, Featured Yearbook Quotes, and Gold Star for Phone Calls | Gretchen Rubin