Nike + Running Becomes Nike + Run Club and Adds Customizable Workout Plans

iOS / Android: The Nike running app has long been one of our favorites . Its latest update includes a new name and color scheme, and ditches workout plans in favor of a new virtual trainer that lets you customize your plan for your chosen running goal.

The rates, like everything in the Nike app, are still free. Whereas previously you could have opted for an inflexible eight-week plan, you can now customize a workout plan just for you. For example, for a 5K workout, the app asked me for a race date, saying it could make a plan for four to 24 weeks. I chose my current activity level and number of runs per week and that made a plan for me. I can reschedule my runs if I want. If you’ve used the Nike + Training Club strength training app, this will all be very familiar to you.

Instead of just telling me to run a certain number of miles on a certain day, the app plans different types of workouts. Tomorrow, for example, I did a “test” run that included a three-minute time trial. The app guided me through warm-up, racing segment and cool-down, and it will use my results to determine the desired pace for the upcoming workouts.

Another cool feature is the ribbon, a screen that displays updates from Nike. In addition to connecting to its real-life running clubs, Nike also publishes playlists like this one for long runs, which features sideshows from historic marathon runners Joan Benoit Samuelson and Paula Radcliffe . There are also athlete-inspired workouts, such as this one from Allison Felix, who made history herself in Rio with her sixth gold medal .

Some of these workouts are track intervals, but the app won’t help you with them; you have to keep track of distance and time by holding the phone in your hand. At least there is a new feature to help you do this: a workout mode called Speed ​​Run, which measures your distance in meters. When you press the pause button, it starts counting your rest time in seconds. At the end of your workout, you can view your time and distance for each interval.

Unfortunately, this app is completely missing the simple interface of the previous Nike + Running app. There are no more giant red numbers trumpeting your life mileage on the home screen, and if you used one of the old workout plans, they are no longer there. (The app sent a warning about this a few weeks ago.) If you like the old app, you can postpone updates. But if you’re looking forward to your workout plans or the new speed running mode, check out the updated app.

Nike + Run Club | Google Play Store via Nike + Run Club

Nike + Run Club | iTunes


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