The Joy of Coding Modest Book Bundle Includes Cheap Guides to Various Languages and Programming Concepts

The Humble Book Bundle has released a new collection of books for programmers called The Joy of Coding. It comes with several books from No Starch Press that teach various languages ​​and coding concepts.

As the name suggests, The Joy of Coding is more than just a collection of beginners’ guides. It is also a pack of books that will teach you to think like a programmer. For a dollar, you get things like an introduction to the Linux command line and a beginner’s guide to Python automation . For a few dollars, you can also access books like Think Like a Programmer and If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript . All in all, this is a great choice of books for both newbies to programming and experts alike. Check out the Humble Book Bundle for a complete list of books.

The joy of coding | Set of humble books


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