Flip Your Goals to Find All the Bad Habits to Avoid

Sometimes reaching a goal means introducing new habits or learning skills, but other times it means just getting rid of some bad habits. If you want to identify what is holding you back from achieving your goal, turn that around.

As the personal finance site Ten Factorial Rocks explains, inverting goals gives you a fresh perspective on what you’re trying to achieve. Let’s say you’re trying to lose weight. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do to gain weight?” Any answer you get is probably a habit that should be avoided. There are other examples on the site:

Q2: How can we stay healthy? IQ2: How do we get unhealthy?

Possible answers for IQ2:

1. Eat whatever you want, when you want, and how much you want. Do not exercise … ever 3. Do not do any household chores that require physical activity (ask someone to do it for you) 4. Do not play outdoor games.

By not doing the above (i.e. the opposite of the answers to the inverted question), we are answering the original question.

You may already have some of the bad habits that get in the way of achieving those goals in the first place, so identifying them is a good first step to change. Eliminating bad habits and creating good ones are two sides of the same coin, but each of them requires its own attention.

Invert. Always invert! | Ten Factorial Rocks via Rockstar Finance


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