10 Best Kitchen Tools Worth Investing In

We’ve discussed the kitchen tools everyone should have and the tools everyone should have on a budget , but if you’re willing to invest a little money in home cooking, here are some reliable kitchen tools that can cost a little more than usual. but will give you back the taste, the time saved or just the quality of life.

10. Food processor.

It’s hard to underestimate how useful a food processor is in your kitchen. Of course, you can always just grab a knife and start slicing, slicing, and julienne, but a food processor can do much more than just chop vegetables. Hard dough can be used to quickly knead dough, make deliciously smooth pesto or hummus, and emulsify salad dressing. Do you want adventure? Try making pizza dough , home-milled burger patties , or even perfect whipped cream .

You can get an idea of ​​what to do with a food processor, or some good reason to consider buying one, in our Kitchen Tool School article . Trust me, I only have a small, compact model and I use it all the time for hummus, pesto and seasoned eggs, and couldn’t imagine not having one.

9. Multicooker

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy a good multicooker , but you shouldn’t get cheaper either. A firm middle that gets warm enough and can stay warm over time will allow you to prepare all sorts of amazing dishes, from whole chicken, delicious slow cooked ribs, and even delicious sauces , all without much effort. Would you like something sweet? This dish even has recipes for oatmeal or cheesecake for the night – all in a slow cooker.

Best of all, you can turn just about any recipe into a multicooker recipe with some simple settings so you can have a delicious gourmet meal without standing by the stove and heating your home with the oven. Plus, there is nothing better than returning home for a delicious and hot lunch awaiting youyou will save time preparing food and save money spent on ordering after a long day.

8. Pressure cooker.

Pressure cookers are invaluable kitchen equipment , and they’ve come a long way from the old be careful not to explode variety that our parents and grandparents had. They’re safer than ever, more functional than ever, and on top of that, who doesn’t like the idea of ​​a super-simple fondue or cheese sauce , whole fried chicken , 30-minute chicken broth or even delicious fresh bread , all without firing up the oven. ?

Best of all, pressure cookers don’t have to be terribly expensive , and some can even double up as multicooker and rice cookers, like the Instant Pot always close at hand .

7. Immersion circulator (aka Sous Vide).

Submersible circulation pumps, or sous vide machines, can definitely be expensive. Some of our favorites are around $ 200 , and while you don’t need a sous vide apparatus and our Sous Vide 101 feature was all about me using a steak cooler, if you decide to invest in one you might get a little huge benefits.

Once you have one, the most delicious burgers you will ever taste are just a short walk away, as are the deliciously perfect steaks , eggs – soft or hard boiled – of your dreams, and even your own home-cooked marijuana products. conditions. where it is, of course, legal. Add up the registration fee now and you have a thousand times more deliciousness, easy preparation and of course some really ingenious recipes .

6. A good thermometer.

A cooking thermometer is essential in any kitchen and will mean the difference between haphazardly poking meat, thinking your fingers or your face can tell if it’s done (neither is universally accurate), and actually knowing that it is the ideal temperature and texture. … Heck, a good thermometer will even help you make perfect cocktails .

I’m a big fan of Thermapen from Thermoworks (as is always the adorable Alton Brown ) as I mentioned earlier, but if you don’t want to spend money, there are other models out there that are just as sensitive for less money. money like Thermoworks ThermoPop .

5. Quality blender

Most of us have a blender in our kitchen, but when you bought yours, what were you looking for when you picked it up? Maybe the power of the motor or the size of the decanter? A good one will differ in both of these sections, with a powerful engine and a large decanter big enough for what you want to put in it, but there is still a lot to consider .

While you don’t need to spend your budget on Blendtec or anything very expensive, you should at least be careful when buying and spending a little on something that will do multiple tasks and will last you a long time. Our friends at Kinja Co-Op have a few suggestions here, as well as some options available if their top tier gives you a sticker shock. Don’t be afraid of smoothies, soup, and emulsification.

4. Table scraper or pastry knife.

While many of the items mentioned so far can be expensive, a humble bench scraper doesn’t have to be that way – it’s just not nearly as common in home kitchens as it really should be .

After all, a good knife will set you back as little as ten dollars at best, with serviced options close to half that price , and once you have one, you’ll never break your knives trying to scrape off the last bit of whatever. -or. cutting board again, you will never have problems dividing dough, bread or minced meat for hamburgers, you will never have problems getting clean sides on a frozen pie, and you will always have a tool to help you clean the countertops before, during and after cooking. Seriously, buy one of these, it will change your life .

3. Mandolin

Mandolin is very healthy and can quickly give you perfectly cooked vegetables , light vegetable noodles without the need to purchase and store a massive spiralizer, and more. In fact, in an interview with Mark Bittman, he told us that the mandolin was one of his favorite workhorse kitchen tools .

Of course, the mandolin can definitely be a dangerous tool if you don’t know how to use it, but the basics are pretty simple: go slow and use the handguard.

2. Good cast iron pans.

Ah, cast iron. Cast iron cookware is indispensable in any home kitchen , and once you get used to it and season your loved one well, you may never use anything other than cast iron for pretty much anything you want to cook. They don’t have to be expensive – you might need a couple of cast iron pans and buy new ones that have been pre-calcined. Maybe you get something on your wrist from a family member or a thrift store deal that needs updating and will stand the test of time. That’s the beauty of cast iron – buy it once and as long as you take care of it , it will last you forever .

Most people also think that cast iron pans are only good for steaks and meats – and while they’re absolutely good for these things, they’re also good for a host of other great dishes , from pizza to queso fundido. Even if you don’t want to cook pizza in a pan , you can use cast iron as a pizza stone . Not enough? Grill fish in minutes, roast whole chicken or even your own coffee beans . Do we need to continue?

1. A good chef’s knife

Most of you probably already know that a good chef’s knife can make a huge difference in your cooking. A durable blade that is comfortable for you to use can make cooking easier and much more fun. You may not know that investing in a good knife is also huge – and we are not talking about hundreds spent (although you could certainly do that), but just a little more than what was in this set. knives that you really shouldn’t have bought when you moved out of your own accord.

Even some of the available models are budget upgrades that will transform the way you cook when you know what to look out for . Think about how you cook, choose between carbon steel or stainless steel , learn to keep them sharp (because, as you may have heard, blunt knives are more dangerous in the kitchen), preferably with water stone , and even an affordable chef’s knife would be investments that will last for many years.


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