Remove Mineral Deposits From the Faucet With a Cotton Swab Soaked in Vinegar
If your faucet sprays water all over the place when you turn it on, it could be due to a buildup of minerals. This vinegar trick will get things up and running again.
In this video from HouseholdHacker YouTube channel, you will learn many ways to use everyone’s favorite miracle liquid, including a smart way to make your faucet work like new. All you need to do is soak a cotton swab in a little distilled white vinegar and then attach it to the edge of the faucet with an elastic band. Leave it on for 15 minutes so that the vinegar can work wonders and dissolve accumulated minerals. When it’s time to take it off, be sure to wiggle it a little to wipe away any leftovers. Your faucet should now not clog. This trick is similar to the vinegar trick in your shower head , but in a smaller form.