Stormy Sea Desktop

This desktop is simple enough, and Flickr userjsmorley explained that they wanted something a little personalized, but nothingmore . The end result is an impressive desktop that anyone can easily copy. Here’s how.

This is a rain gauge desktop and you know what that means. If you’re not familiar, our guide can give you the basics , and in fact, that’s all you need to do it.

Otherwise, here’s what you need:

That’s all. Just one skin, mainly because the wallpaper creates all the drama. Of course, if you need more monitors and stuff, you can always add them, but this clean look is pretty nice and the setup is very simple.

Do you have a beautiful and functional desktop to show off? Share with us! Place it in a personal blog using Kinja tag DesktopShowcase or add it to our pool of Lifehacker Desktop Show and the Flickr Tell . Screenshots must be at least 1280×720 and include information about what you used, links to wallpapers, skins and themes, and any other important information. If your wonderful desktop catches our attention, you may be on our favorites!

jsmorley | Flickr


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