Use Cocktail Cards to Transform All Party Guests Into Hobby Mixologists

Making cocktails for a large group of people can be frustrating. Do you make a big batch ahead of time and run the risk of wasting your booze? Are you playing bartender all night, mixing individual drinks and perhaps missing out on some fun? I suggest you do neither, but instead turn your guests into hobby bartenders with recipe cards.

All you have to do is choose a cocktail (or cocktails), buy ingredients for your libation, and print out some recipe cards to hang out at the cocktail station. Equip your station with the necessary booze, mixers, side dishes and glassware and let your guests head out into town playing as a mixologist. This not only reduces waste and frees you up for communication, but your guests can expand their cocktail knowledge, and cocktail knowledge is the power of cocktails.

It is also not necessary to be limited to one cocktail recipe; you can choose a theme. I once hosted a cocktail party like this, and all of the recipes are taken from Hemingway’s Hemingway-inspired have and have more cocktail book. One of the “recipes” was to simply pour gin into the coconut and it was very effective.


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