Alfred Emoji Pack Makes Finding Emoji on Mac Less Painful

Mac: The latest version of Alfred has improved text expansion . The cool thing is that you can easily download packages from other people to implement in Alfred. Joel Kalifa has created a series of auto expand and search rules that make finding and adding emoticons much easier.

The emoji pack has two main ways to use it. If you know the name of the emoji, you can simply type it between a pair of colons, for example :loudspeaker: and it will automatically expand to the loudspeaker emoji. If you’ve used Slack before, this is the same text expansion system. If you don’t remember the name of the emoji, you can also just search for it. Open Alfred, then type S and enter your search term for a list of emoticons. It’s a hell of a lot easier than awkwardly pressing CTRL + CMD + Space . For this to work, you’ll need Alfred installed along with the $ 25 Powerpack, but the emoji pack is free.

Alfred Emoticon Set | Joel Kalifa


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