Shazam Can Now Automatically Detect Songs in the Background

Android: If you enjoy every song you hear in a bar or club but don’t want to take your phone out to identify each song, Shazam can now keep listening in the background for as long as you want.

The new feature is called Auto Shazam . Just turn it on and the app will constantly listen to any music that is playing, and will not stop until you tell it – until six o’clock. Shazam says this feature has been optimized to minimize the impact on battery life, but of course it will be somewhat tedious. Any songs he overhears will be added to the My Shazam tab for future reference.

So now you can automatically program the good taste of your favorite DJ, elevator music, or grocery store soundtrack. Hey, everything that floats on your boat.

Shazam | Play Store via Android Police


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