Have a Refreshing Michelada Right in Your Beer Can

Michelada is a delicious cocktail that can be made in several ways, but it usually includes a combination of beer, hot sauce or tomato juice, lime and salt. However, no matter what ingredients you like, the easiest way to make it is right in the jar.

Why get dirty dishes if you don’t need it? If you’re looking to make your own michelada, Food52’s Marian Bull suggests pouring everything you need into an ice serving. Take a few sips to free up some space in the can, then add some hot sauce or tomato juice, add some fresh lime, and just sprinkle some salt over your mouth or beer can lid. Of course, if you want a salty rim on a can, you can do that too, but this must be done before opening the beer. Now stir with a stirring stick or simply sip on the drink, stir the drink as you like.

Mixed drink that can be prepared directly in a beer can | Food52


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