Teach Your Kids to Stay Out of Your Way With This Technique.

Children are impatient little buggers who don’t realize they are rude when they interrupt you when you talk. Here’s a simple technique to teach kids to get your attention better.

Coach mom Kirsten explains the four steps in the video above.

  1. Teach your child to take your hand when he wants to talk to you while you are talking to someone else.
  2. Put your hand on top of them to understand that they want your attention.
  3. Refuse the conversation politely.
  4. Thank the child for waiting and give him your full attention.

You may need to practice this a few times to turn it into a healthy new habit, but if you’re tired of constantly saying “wait a minute” or “I’m talking here,” this is definitely worth a try.

How to teach your child not to interrupt: M # 1 | YouTube via Child Safety Net


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