The Right Way to Put Out a Kitchen Fire

If you spend any significant amount of time in the kitchen, you will come across a kitchen fire at one point or another. Watering a situation with buckets of water is never a good idea, but luckily, Bon Appetit has some tips on how to prevent and deal with various kitchen fires.

To find out what to do and what not to do in fire management, Bon Appetit reached out to Lt. Anthony Mancuso, FDNY’s director of fire safety. First of all, make sure you have a fire extinguisher, especially one that has a ‘B’ rating, which means it can handle oil, grease and gas. When talking about fat fires, it is very important to never try to extinguish fires with water. Water will not extinguish the flame, and the fire will become larger and less controllable.

When putting out a fire on the stove or on the grill, it’s helpful to think about oxygen. Oxygen supports combustion, so the best thing to do anyway is to shut off the oxygen supply. In the event of a fire in the oven, this means that the door must be closed . Just turn off the oven and step back. Stove fire can be a little tricky. If it’s a small fire in a saucepan or skillet, try covering it with a lid or a bunch of baking soda. If that doesn’t work, get a fire extinguisher.

Finally, if none of the above cuts it, or if the fire gets bigger than a basketball, just call the fire department.

How to put out a kitchen fire because OMG FLAMES | Bon appetit


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