Scientific Reasons for Fraud, in One Video

Most people think that cheating in a relationship is bad. At the same time, it’s common enough to be a trope in just about every romantic comedy you’ve ever seen. This video explains some of the reasons this dichotomy exists.

As explained in the video above from the Bustle lifestyle site, the incentive to cheat on otherwise loyal partners has multiple reasons. The fact is that people are naturally not prone to monogamy. Although, as you can see from the video, we are naturally also not inclined to play the violin. Not everything that comes naturally is beneficial.

There are also structural and chemical conditions in the brain that increase the likelihood of cheating. Those who are more prone to thrill seeking may find it more difficult to control the impulse to cheat. There are also several ways in which we connect with other people in the brain, but they may not always be consistent with one person.

Of course, having a scientific basis for why someone might consider cheating is bad, but doing it anyway does not necessarily justify such behavior. Science doesn’t give moral arguments anyway. However, when making decisions, it is helpful to understand how our brains and bodies work.

Why are we cheating? 3 Scientific Theories That Explain Why Some People Are More Wrong Than Others | Hustle through AskMen


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