Create a Portable Raspberry Pi the Size of a Nintendo DS
We’ve already shown how to build a portable Linux machine using a Raspberry Pi, but a lot has happened since Node put together this original guide. So much so that he created an updated version with many interesting new features.
This time, the Linux portable machine uses a beefed-up Raspberry Pi 2, an Adafruit touchscreen, a wireless keyboard, and then the enclosure is created by connecting two hard drive enclosures. All in all, the parts cost around $ 120, but the end result is a portable touchscreen device that can display on a larger screen if desired. It’s a bit more affordable to make at this time, and the end result is a heck of a lot more powerful than the previous version, based on the Raspberry Pi Model A. You can find the fullvideo how-toon YouTube or go to the text version on the Node.