Todoist for Android Updates With Smart Typing, New Shortcuts and More
Android: The latest version of Todoist for Android lets you add tasks in natural language, and the app analyzes entire sentences for categories, tags, and due dates. It also got some design improvements, some new shortcuts, and more.
Todoist has been thrilled with app updates lately, and last month’s OS X and iOS updates are now available to everyone. The Quick Add feature allows you to enter an entire line, such as ” Write a script for” Make Donald Drumph Again February 20th “#AmazingShowIdeas + JohnOliver. “And the app will create your case, schedule it for Feb 20th, flag it with Awesome Show Ideas, and then share the issue with user” JohnOliver, “all without having to do any additional manual steps.
Likewise, there are a few new shortcuts like the “pinch to add task” gesture in the project view, the ability to sort your projects (not just tasks) by date, priority, name or artist, etc. Even the sync has been updated so when you close a task on one device, you don’t have to wait for it to disappear on the other.
For more information, you can check the blog post below or click on the link below to download the latest version from Google Play.
Todoist (Free) | Google Play via Todoist Blog