Make Delicious Sweet Bread With Ice Cream and Bananas

Ice cream bread may seem like the holy grail of Pinterest’s simplicity, but it can be a little bland. Add a few bananas to the puree, however, for a sweeter, more moist bread with a ton of flavor.

As Epicurious’s Catherine Sachs determined in several rounds of testing, three mashed bananas add moisture and depth of flavor that bread lacks, transforming it into a sort of “banana chopped bread.” In a move that I fully support, Katherine also added a quarter cup of sugar because “as ripe as the bananas are, the bread lacked the sweetness that something called ice cream bread should have.”

This increases the number of ingredients from two to four, which can make it a little less “tasty”, but the result is a tastier and more delicate ice cream bread that is really worth eating.

How to make ice cream bread, but better “wiki useful Epic


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